"You guys are pussies."

     After biking for about 50km in the pouring rain. Often through very muddy and poorly maintained rural roads we were relieved to finally get a glimpse of the afternoon sun.
     We came to a fork in the road - one which kept us along the paved road, and the other that took us along another equally muddy and hole-ridden road. As we took off our wet and muddy clothes and cleaned out our dirt-filled chains we tried to decide if the paved road would get us where we needed to go.
     A very old man and his wife road up on their bikes and asked us if we had any questions. He responded that the paved road would also take us in the Usedom direction but circumvent the actual route which was halfway underwater. We said we were soaked already and would make the most of the sun. To which he said as he road away down the muddy path with his wife, and I'm paraphrasing, "Psh kids, you guys are pussies."


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