The Bubbly Water

      After a couple of days of straight camping we had run out of water and had to rely on just asking some people for a fill up as we saw them outside their house. This may be in part due to stinginess of not wanting to buy bottled water, or our environmental consciousness of not wanting to buy lots of plastic containers. But I would really say it's to increase human interaction with other people. 

     One guy's wife came out and after I had asked for a bottle fill-up and said "Did you just want tap water?" And I said "Yes of course, thank you." And she said "What? Nah, bubbly water is much better, you don't need tap water." So she opened up a bottle of seltzer-water and poured it in our empty bottles. It was cold and refreshing. Later on we found out that after going up and down hills (and shaking it around over cobble-stone streets) that the water will hit you in the face the next time you try to take a drink.


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