The Gear

I only have one bike at the moment. Would love to have more but it also helps me to stay mobile (as a drifter obviously).
Since I've arrived in Berlin in late October I have averaged about 100-160km (60-100 miles) per week. Since March I've been on some much longer rides with no method of tracking them. That is about to change.

Bike: Surly - Long Haul Trucker
Equipment: Don't care - it's nothing too special but robust, and easy to fix
Wheels: 700
  • Shortened stem for more ergonomic rides
  • Front brakes on the drop handlebars - for easier position switching
  • Racks for 4 Arkel Paniers. Nothing against Ortlieb which seems to be the standard here in Germany, I normally avoid bike accessories in which I can see my own reflection.
Fully loaded, mine is on the left after biking from Paris, France to Zadar, Croatia. Time to go home after its first tour.


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