From One Activity to the Next: My couchsurfing host, Dorian, is an artist and graphic designer. He works for the government cultural ministry and promotes and studies visual arts around the country. He showed me a wide variety of artwork from Nicaragua, from Leon to Bluefields on the Caribbean coast. There is a huge variety of art and influences packed into such a small space. He had a plan in his head and I was fine to go along with it and let someone else be in the driver's seat for a while. We started the day with a breakfast of Nacatamales, traditional Nicaraguan style tamales - corn meal filled with pork and potatoes and wrapped in a banana leaf. We picked them up from a house just around the corner from his. An elderly lady came out of the nondescript house with the Nacatamales in a plastic bag, these were some truly home-prepared delicacies. The wrapped Nacatamales A delicious Nicaraguan breakfast We then set off to the offices of the ministry of health...
L´anniversaire d´Andrew approchant, nous avons voulu faire provision de quelques bonnes bouteilles de vodka polonaise, il faut bien profiter de notre situation géographique ! Ravis en Pinorad ! Et quoi de plus simple, que d´y aller en vélo ! Et pas n´importe quel vélo: nous avons loué un tandem Pinorad, qui nous a permis de parcourir les 200 km de la route (aller-retour) entre Berlin et la Pologne sans encombre !
The Complete Bike Tour I have tried to catalog at least some of the experience of riding every stage of this tour. Here, I've stitched all of the individual rides together and added some pictures to the route. It's quite a striking visual and really amazing to see, having experienced every inch of it.
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