Kazakh Western Fan Fiction

 Sometimes when I travel I come across interesting, and often comical, depictions and ideas of the west. Especially from people who have never been to the United States and may only have vague notions based on the news and films - in this case, Westerns.

Someone who had never been to the US and did not speak a word of English told me about a goal that they have to open a  Western-Themed Texas BBQ restaurant in Kazakhstan. The restaurant has an origin story about how it was created. 

Now, rather than paraphrase for you, I’ve taken the Google translate version from Russian. I think the diction helps tie it together. The story is about James, a cowboy from Texas:

James was haunted by the dream of finding his

goal in life. And he decided to go on a journey to know himself. One day, while in one of the many cities of his country, James meets a girl in a gun store. Word for word, and the young people begin to feel sympathy for each other. Moreover, the young lady declares that the brave cowboy is clearly not the one who can surprise her with anything, to which an annoyed James accepts the challenge and invites her to a place where he personally cooks his signature grilled meat for a beautiful girl. 

How this surprises her, because the taste of this food will clearly not leave you indifferent!

No one is indifferent.

The girl asks the cowboy what he forgot in these

distant countries, where he receives the answer that he is looking for his life's work and finding peace. The girl does not hesitate for a second and invites him to open his own grill bar, because he is a divine cook.

Picture of the Almaty Financial District



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