The Final Days in Managua - Saturday
From One Activity to the Next: My couchsurfing host, Dorian, is an artist and graphic designer. He works for the government cultural ministry and promotes and studies visual arts around the country. He showed me a wide variety of artwork from Nicaragua, from Leon to Bluefields on the Caribbean coast. There is a huge variety of art and influences packed into such a small space. He had a plan in his head and I was fine to go along with it and let someone else be in the driver's seat for a while. We started the day with a breakfast of Nacatamales, traditional Nicaraguan style tamales - corn meal filled with pork and potatoes and wrapped in a banana leaf. We picked them up from a house just around the corner from his. An elderly lady came out of the nondescript house with the Nacatamales in a plastic bag, these were some truly home-prepared delicacies. The wrapped Nacatamales A delicious Nicaraguan breakfast We then set off to the offices of the ministry of health...
Et vous voulez nous faire croire que vous faites du vélo!!!!