Day 7 - İzmir

You see it correctly, the dot above the İ in İzmir. Turkish had a few additional letters (more like dialectics) and the dotted "i" makes a big difference compared with the undotted "ı." I sped over here today without Mylène, who is recovering from some overheating in Dikili. She came a bit later, being very kindly dropped off by our couchsurfer from there (Emre). İzmir is the third largest city and sprawls quite a bit like Istanbul. The first night we met up with our host, Ufuk at a bar for a couchsurfing meeting where we met some other İzmirliler (people from İzmir). Most of the couchsurfers at the meeting were Turkish. On the second day we had an adventure simply navigating the public transport system and finding our way center from Ufuk's house. We went to Kadifekale, the ruins of the ancient İzmir Akropolis on top of a hill overlooking the city. It wasn't as much of a tourist attraction as I had expected. In fact we were the only tourists there. ...