This just looks cool, but that's all it is

I stumbled across this recipient of one of Google's philanthropic funding initiatives:

Amongst underpriviledged schools and non-profits, this personal pod-based cycle system got a 7-figure dollar-shaped injection.

But really, what purpose does a pod-based pedaling system serve? Well, I think the purpose is just to look cool. Maybe it's my lazy-American talking, but if you want to go somewhere by guided transport, do you really want to have to work for it at the same time guiding yourself through a rollercoaster-like course from your house to the club?

Also, you are enclosed in a plastic pod, if you exert any kind of physical effort in even a short amount of time, this thing will collect your sweat at the bottom and then smell terrible.

That being said, it does look cool and hell yeah I want to try!


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